According to the information available to Māris Strazds, the nest site in Riga Forests has been documented since 2003, with estimates suggesting it was constructed around 2001 based on its size and characteristics. Since 2006, the nest has been monitored almost annually.

Offspring have been observed in the years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. However, many chicks have unfortunately perished, often due to starvation, either near the nest or in it. This high mortality rate is primarily attributed to the numerous ditches surrounding the nest, which can mislead the storks into believing there will be ample food. However, the availability of food can fluctuate rapidly during the season, leading to a shortage. It is known with certainty that the nesting was successful in 2011, as one of the chicks from that year was observed in the area in 2019 after the natural nest had fallen.

A young female stork, originally ringed in Lithuania, has been spotted in the photo traps set up at this nest over the years. In early February 2020, an artificial nest base was constructed on the same site and at the same height (14.3 meters above the ground) as the fallen natural nest. This project was carried out by Jānis Ķuze, M. Strazds, and forest manager Oskars Taupmanis from SIA “Rīgas meži.”

The online camera system for monitoring the nest was established in early 2024 by Jānis Ķuze and Jānis Rudzītis, with support from Edmunds Račinskis and Oskars Taupmanis of SIA “Rīgas meži.”

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