Nesting of the Eurasian goshawk in the Children’s Clinical University Hospital (CCUH) area in Riga has been observed since 2015. Currently, two Eurasian goshawk nests are situated close to each other and remain in good condition. However, the third, historically oldest nest has fallen. All the nests are constructed in old pine trees.

In previous years, a pair of Eurasian goshawks has alternated between all three nests, and nesting has been successful each year.

In Latvia, the Eurasian goshawk is classified as an endangered species. While it is not yet listed as specially protected, it is recognized as a species that requires the establishment of micro-sanctuaries for its nesting sites.

We extend our gratitude to the Children’s Clinical University Hospital for their cooperation and to SIA “Riekstu kalns” and SIA “Rewind” for their support!

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