This is one of the five white-tailed eagle nests in Ķemeri National Park. This nesting site was first noted in 2019 when the eagles took over an artificial nest originally built for ospreys in a pine tree that had dried out.

Two years later, the new nest of these eagles was discovered in a spruce tree, where the top had been broken off by snow or wind – similar to the nest we’ve been observing in Durbe, but situated lower, less than 20 meters above the ground. It is believed that this new nest was constructed already in 2020, after the artificial nest in the dried-out pine tree was abandoned. Since 2021, the eagles have successfully nested in this nest every year – raised one chick on two occasions and two chicks once.

As of late 2023, the nest is being prepared for the upcoming breeding season, with conifer branches being added. The two adult eagles currently in the nest are not ringed, so their origin and exact age remain unknown.

The online monitoring system for this nest was established in December 2023 with the help of Jānis Ķuze, Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Kviesis, Jānis Kažotnieks, and Aleksejs Šaripins. Data transmission is supported by LMT.

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