A.6. Study on grasslands, biodiversity and business

The study on grasslands, biodiversity and business will be performed during the second year of the project and it will form the backbone for the work with ecosystem services and grassland products in action E.3. It will also provide solutions for farm management plans. The study will gather the grassland-specific information produced in other initiatives and it will focus on the following aspects:

  • Describing the grassland-related ecosystem services in general;
  • Identifying the grassland-related ecosystem services associated with the project target priority grasslands;
  • Identifying the services and describing the methodology for quantifying the ecosystem services linked to the project sites;
  • Identifying grassland-related products with high added value from the experience in the EU and worldwide;
  • Describing the methodology for assessment of grassland related products with a high added value for Latvia;
  • Identifying the grassland related products that apply to the project sites;
  • Describing the identified products and outlining their business capacity and marketing potential (input from expert assessments);
  • Producing a toolkit of ideas for wider distribution.