LIFE CRAFT: Climate Responsible Agriculture for Latvia

Project passport
Project Duration
01/04/2018 - 30/04/2024
Project Beneficiary
Latvian Fund for Nature
Project Partners
Project Funding
EU LIFE programme, State Regional Development Agency, Republic of Latvia
Project Location


Project Manager
Ģirts Strazdiņš
Project Co-ordinator
Project Contact Information
Project Phone
+371 67830999
Project Email
Project Address
Blaumaņa iela 32-8, Rīga, LV-1011
Project Home Page

The objective of Climate Responsible Agriculture for Latvia (LIFE CRAFT) is to implement, test, evaluate, promote and provide guidance on effective and economically feasible means for the reduction of agricultural GHG emissions while preserving stable income for farmers by taking an ecosystem-based approach. The project will demonstrate opportunities for practical management practices of agricultural lands for GHG emission reduction purposes as a basis for sustainability of rural areas and stimulus for local economies.

Specific objectives:

  • Increase farmer and political decision-maker awareness about available GHG emission reducing agricultural practices by developing a guidebook that lists all the relevant climate responsible agricultural practices applicable in the Baltic Sea region;
  • Implement, test and demonstrate 3 different GHG emission reducing agricultural management practices at farm level;
  • Adapt remote sensing based monitoring instruments for improved evaluation of national policy efficiency targeting agricultural GHG emission reduction.
Project Activities: 

A. Preparatory actions

A1 Elaboration of the technical documentation and acquisition of permits for installation of controlled drainage systems

B. Purchase / lease of land and / or compensation payments for use rights

B1 Lease of land for installation of CDS

C. Implementation actions

C1 Compilation of agricultural best practice measures for climate change mitigation
C2 Demonstration of emission reduction through the use of soil carbon enrichment
C3 Demonstration of emission reduction through no-till technique
C4 Demonstration of CDS capacity for GHG emission reduction and sequestration
C5 Adaptation of methodology for GHG emission evaluation using remote sensing data
C6 Replicability and Transferability plan

D. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

D1 Monitoring of the environmental impacts of the project activities
D2 Monitoring and measurement of project performance indicators

E. Communication and dissemination of results

E1 Overall project visibility
E2 Project result dissemination
E3 Networking with other projects

F. Project management

F1 Project management and administration
F2 External audit
F3 After LIFE plan

LIFE CRAFT’s expected results are:

  • No-till farming practised in 10 farmlands covering approximately 200 hectares;
  • Soil enrichment with biochar in 3 farms covering approximately 1.2 hectares;
  • Drainage system reconstruction and installation of controlled drainage system in 4 pilot sites covering approximately 80 hectares;
  • The technical reports including implementation, performance, costs, advantages, disadvantages and recommendations for each of the 3 practices created and published on project and partner websites;
  • A total of 700 visitors (farmers, policy-makers, consultants) attend 9 open day events held annually for each practice from 2020 onwards
  • A scientifically sound monitoring programme elaborated and implemented.
  • Best climate responsible agricultural practice guidebook produced and distributed (2000 copies in Latvian). Free downloadable digital version in Latvian and English available on project website.
  • 5000 members of the general public informed about agriculture’s impact on climate change and its potential for mitigation through a contemporary art exhibition and inventive media campaign.
  • Project website created and serving as a permanent source of information on its activities (hosting the guidebook, technical reports and videos).
  • Five seminars organised.


Recommendations for bio-char production. 2018